Module io.sf.carte.css4j
module io.sf.carte.css4j
CSS parser with Event and Object Model APIs, a DOM wrapper and a CSS-aware
DOM implementation.
ExportsPackageDescriptionBasic classes and interfaces used by documents.User agent classes.Color classes for use in CSS, HTML, SVG, etc.This package provide an implementation of the Document Object Model (DOM) Level 3 Core Specification that can be used for XML or HTML documents, albeit with a few deviations from the specification.Interfaces and classes related to W3C's Geometry Interfaces Module.This package and its subpackages provide an implementation of the CSS Object Model API.NSAC: a non-standard revision to W3C's SAC api.Implementation classes for the CSS Object Model API.Classes related to CSS parsing.Implementations of CSS property values.Utility classes that could be used in your CSS projects.Indirect Exports -