Interface CSSKeyframesRule

All Superinterfaces:
CSSRule, CSSRule
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface CSSKeyframesRule extends CSSRule
CSSKeyframesRule represents a complete set of keyframes for a single animation.
  • Method Details

    • getName

      String getName()
      Gets the name of the keyframes.
      the name of the keyframes.
    • setName

      void setName(String name)
      Sets the name of the keyframes.
      name - the name of the keyframes.
    • getCssRules

      CSSRuleArrayList getCssRules()
      Gets the list of keyframe rules.
      the list of keyframe rules.
    • appendRule

      void appendRule(String rule)
      Appends a new rule into this keyframes rule collection.
      rule - The parsable text representing the rule.
    • deleteRule

      void deleteRule(String select)
      Deletes the last declared CSSKeyframeRule matching the specified keyframe selector from this keyframes rule collection. If no matching rule exists, the method does nothing.

      The number and order of the values in the specified keyframe selector must match those of the targeted keyframe rule(s). The match is not sensitive to white space around the values in the list.

      select - The keyframe selector of the rule to be deleted: a comma-separated list of keywords or percentage values between 0% and 100%.
    • findRule

      CSSKeyframeRule findRule(String select)
      The findRule returns the last declared CSSKeyframeRule matching the specified keyframe selector. If no matching rule exists, the method does nothing.
      select - The keyframe selector of the rule to be deleted: a comma-separated list of keywords or percentage values between 0% and 100%.
      the found rule, or null if no rule was found.