Interface CSSValueItem

All Known Subinterfaces:
CSSPrimitiveValueItem, ValueItem
All Known Implementing Classes:
InheritValue, InitialValue, KeywordValue, RevertValue, UnsetValue, ValueFactory.ListValueItem

public interface CSSValueItem
This interface provides information about the processing of one (or more) CSS lexical unit(s) in order to produce a CSSValue, that can be recovered with getCSSValue().
  • Method Details

    • getCSSValue

      CSSValue getCSSValue()
      Gets the CSSValue associated to this item.

      If there is an item there must be a value, so this method cannot return null.

      the CSSValue associated to this item.
    • getNextLexicalUnit

      LexicalUnit getNextLexicalUnit()
      Get the next lexical unit after processing this item.

      This method is useful as some primitive values (ratio) may take more than one unit.

      the next lexical unit after this item was processed.
    • hasWarnings

      boolean hasWarnings()
      Has this item any warning to report ?
      true if this item any warning to report.
    • handleSyntaxWarnings

      void handleSyntaxWarnings(StyleDeclarationErrorHandler handler)
      Use the given error handler to handle warnings.
      handler - the error handler.