All Classes and Interfaces

Abstract base class useful for CSSCanvas implementations.
Abstract class to be inherited by all CSS rules.
Abstract class to be inherited by all CSS style declarations.
Abstract class to be inherited by all CSS style sheets.
Abstract class for CSS style sheet factories.
A simple, map-backed abstract base class for DeviceFactory implementations.
CSS Selector matcher.
Abstract base class for CSS Style databases.
Abstract class to be inherited by all CSS style sheets.
Abstract base class for User Agents, with cookie handling.
Expression sub-interface to be implemented by operations like sum or product.
AnB expression.
Anonymous style declaration, associated to a non-element DOM node.
A condition is applied to a list of selectors that is supplied as an argument to the selector name.
Implementation of StringList based on ArrayList.
Based on SAC's AttributeCondition interface by Philippe Le Hegaret.
Attribute selector flags.
Subclasses can be used to visit a selector (or a selector list) and replace the namespaceURI, localName or value of the contained AttributeConditions.
Attribute NamedNodeMap.
Transforms HTML attributes into style declarations.
Visit style rules and apply an AttributeConditionVisitor.
Attr value.
Authentication credentials for user agents.
Abstract class to be inherited by CSS rules which have a CSSStyleDeclaration.
CSS Style Declaration.
CSS Style Sheet Object Model implementation base class.
Base class for CSS style sheet factories.
Base implementation for DocumentCSSStyleSheet.
Base CSS Selector matcher for DOM.
Boolean conditions.
The types of condition.
Factory interface for boolean conditions.
Helper class for BooleanCondition.
Box model helper class.
Interface giving access to the computed box values.
Sub-interface for tables in the simple box model.
Calc value.
CSS Color identifiers map.
Color spaces predefined by CSS.
Color value.
Based on SAC's CombinatorCondition interface by Philippe Le Hegaret.
Combinator selector.
Utility class that removes CSS comments from a string.
Compat-aware CSS inline style declaration.
Style declaration that computes CSS properties.
Based on SAC's Condition interface by Philippe Le Hegaret.
Conditional selector, by Philippe Le Hegaret
User agent configuration for http cookies.
CSS counter-style rule implementation.
CSS static methods.
attr() primitive value.
CSS budget exception.
CSS canvas interface.
A color.
Represents a color value (not including color identifiers).
Enumeration of color models.
Interface that allows the retrieval of the primitive, "computed" values of CSS properties.
Represents all the "conditional" at-rules, which consist of a condition and a statement block.
Counter-style rule.
A CSS counters() function.
A CSS counter() function.
A CSS rule that contains style declarations (of properties and/or descriptors).
A CSS-enabled Document.
The style computations operate under a compliance mode.
CSS-enabled DOM implementation.
Essentially adds CSS-related methods to the DOM's Element interface.
A CSS environment variable value.
A CSS event handler for low-level parsing errors.
CSS runtime exception, normally related to parsing.
Implemented by CSS expressions.
Enumeration of expression parts (operations, operands).
A primitive value containing an expression (like calc()).
A CSS font-face rule.
Based on W3C's CSSFontFeatureValuesMap interface.
@font-feature-values rule.
A function value.
A gradient value.
Enumeration of gradient types.
Represents an at-rule that contains other rules nested inside itself.
A CSS event handler for low-level parsing.
The CSSKeyframeRule interface represents the style rule for a single key.
CSSKeyframesRule represents a complete set of keyframes for a single animation.
A value that contains a var value as part of its declaration.
Margin rule.
CSS media Exception.
Media-related parse exception.
A CSS @media rule.
Namespace-related parse exception.
Namespace rule.
A node that is related to a CSSDocument.
CSS parser implementing the NSAC API and using an object-model internal factory.
Sub-interface to be implemented by individual operands.
A CSS @page rule.
CSS parse exception.
CSS parser implementing the NSAC API.
Small extension to CSSHandler to deal with declaration rules.
A CSS primitive value.
A property definition.
CSS Property exception.
@property rule.
Thrown when a property does not seem to have a correct value.
The ratio value type is a number followed by optional whitespace, followed by a solidus ('/'), followed by optional whitespace, followed by a number.
Interface representing a rect() function.
A CSS rule.
Stores a list of CSS rules, implementing CSSRuleList.
A rule list with additional utility methods.
Shorthand value.
CSS style declaration.
Abstract class to be inherited by CSS rules which have both selectors and a CSSStyleDeclaration.
CSS topmost generic Exception.
A CSS style rule.
A style sheet.
CSS style sheet factory.
List of extended style sheets.
Represents a ‘@supports’ rule.
A typed value.
A CSS unicode range value.
A CSS unicode character value.
CSS numeric units.
A CSS style value.
The main categories of values.
The type of value.
Based on W3C's CSSValueList interface.
Represents a CSS value syntax component.
The syntax category.
The syntax multiplier.
A reference to a CSS custom property value ('variable').
A condition that declares a property name and a value.
Define methods for formatting properties or descriptors in a declaration, generally for a computed style.
Default Cookie implementation.
Default implementation of a DeclarationFormattingContext.
Default implementation of a StyleFormattingContext.
Default StyleFormattingFactory.
Device factory.
Helper class to determine the directionality of an element.
A style sheet that is able to take the responsibility to compute the styles associated to document elements.
Generic document-related exception.
Invalid DOM character exception.
Computed style associated to a DOM node.
CSS Style Sheet for DOM.
CSS style sheet factory for DOM.
Implementation of a DOM Document.
CSS Style Sheet for DOM.
A bare DOM element node.
DOM Node.
DOMNode-specific version of NodeList.
Null character exception for DOM.
DOM policy exception.
Interface representing a DOMRect value.
Selector matcher for CSS-enabled DOM.
Based on DOM interface DOMTokenList which is actually a set.
An implementation of the DOMTokenList interface.
A sorted set implementation of the DOMTokenList interface.
DOM utility method.
Serializes a node and its subtree.
DOMElement-specific ExtendedNodeList.
Element selector, created by Philippe Le Hegaret
Handler that implements empty bodies for all CSSHandler methods except property(String, LexicalUnit, boolean).
Environment variable (env).
Handle CSS errors at the CSSDocument.
Expression/Function evaluator.
Expression container base class.
Extended NamedNodeMap.
This library's iterable version of the old NodeList.
Implementation of CSSFontFaceRule.
Implementation of CSSFontFeatureValuesRule.
Function value.
Implementation of a gradient value.
Implementation of CSSGroupingRule.
Device factory for headless devices.
Represents a hsl color.
Represents a HSL color value.
HSL color value.
HTML Document.
HTML-specific element nodes.
Represents a hwb color.
Represents a HWB color value.
HWB color value.
Identifier value.
Implementation of CSSImportRule.
An inherit value.
An initial value.
CSS Inline style declaration.
A formatting context for inline styles.
An generalized input source.
CSSKeyframeRule implementation.
Implementation of CSSKeyframesRule.
A CSS-wide keyword value, like inherit.
Represents a color in the LAB color model (lab() or oklab()).
Instead of using this interface, just cast the result of CSSColorValue.getColor() to the appropriate interface (like LABColor) according to the given CSSColorValue.getColorModel().
Lab color value.
SAC's LangCondition interface by Philippe Le Hegaret.
Represents a color in the LCh color model (lch() or oklch()).
Instead of using this interface, just cast the result of CSSColorValue.getColor() to the appropriate interface (like LCHColor) according to the given CSSColorValue.getColorModel().
LCh color value.
Based on SAC's LexicalUnit interface by Philippe Le Hegaret.
The lexical type.
A value that contains a var value as part of its declaration.
Linked-list implementation of CSSValueList, comma-separated.
Implementation of StringList based on LinkedList.
Locate a place in a document.
A sample ErrorHandler that uses SLF4J logging.
Implementation of CSSMarginRule.
Stores a list of CSS margin rules, implementing CSSRuleList.
Static factory that creates media query lists for all media, mutable and immutable.
Media Feature.
Media Feature predicate.
Obtain information on an individual media query.
Contains factory methods related to media queries.
Interface to be implemented by handlers that are used inside Parser.parseMediaQueryList(String,Node).
Media query helper.
Based on W3C's MediaQueryList interface.
Listen to changes in media queries.
A predicate in a boolean expression from a Media Query.
Implementation of CSSMediaRule.
Implementation of W3C's CSSNamespaceRule.
Iterates over the document nodes according to a set of parameters.
A ListIterator that has Node arguments but returns DOMNode references.
This style declaration belongs to a DOM node.
Based on W3C's NonDocumentTypeChildNode interface.
Number-specific value.
Origin policy.
Implementation of CSSPageRule.
A page selector like :first.
List of page selectors.
Based on W3C's ParentNode interface.
Methods that are useful for CSS parsing.
A low-level CSS parser.
Interface giving access to namespace URI from the prefix.
Allows convenient access to certain parser functionalities.
Evaluates expressions with only percentages and plain numbers.
Percentage value.
Based on SAC's PositionalCondition interface by Philippe Le Hegaret.
Base implementation for primitive values.
Database of device-independent CSS property information.
CSS @property rule implementation.
A PROXY value, like attr().
A Condition for a pseudo-class or pseudo-element.
Ratio value.
Implementation of DOMRect.
Rect function.
A revert value.
Based on W3C's RGBColor interface.
DeclarationFormattingContext that serializes colors as RGB (sRGB).
RGB color value.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Top-level color values with the RGB color model are no longer guaranteed to implement this interface.
A StyleFormattingFactory that serializes computed colors as RGB.
Convenience exception that contains a reference to a rule.
High-level handling of SAC errors and warnings.
Based on SAC's Selector interface by Philippe Le Hegaret.
List of selectors.
CSS Selector matcher.
Handle CSS errors at the style sheet level.
Database of shorthand-related property information.
Simple selector, by Philippe Le Hegaret
The specificity of a selector (in the context given by a SelectorMatcher).
Combines List and DOMStringList.
String value.
CSS-enabled wrapper for a DOM Document.
CSS Style database.
Thrown when a requested operation requires a StyleDatabase to complete.
Handles the errors found in style declarations.
Define methods for style text formatting.
Create formatting context objects for use with a style sheet factory.
CSS style rule.
Abstract base implementation class for style sheet lists.
Base implementation for CSS values.
Contains factory methods related to @supports conditions.
CSS supports rule.
Parses a syntax specification according to CSS Properties and Values API Level 1 (accepts additional types like <string>).
When a system-dependent property must be set but there is no style database, this value can be used.
Traverse the document's nodes according to a set of parameters.
Base implementation for CSS typed values.
Unicode range value.
Unicode character value.
Unicode range wildcard value.
Implementation of CSSUnknownRule.
Unknown CSS primitive value.
An unset value.
URI primitive value.
This class is mostly for internal use by the library (cross-package, so its visibility is public).
Very basic user agent abstraction.
User agent configuration and control.
Handles errors that the user agent finds.
Factory of CSS values.
This interface provides information about the processing of one (or more) CSS lexical unit(s) in order to produce a CSSValue, that can be recovered with ValueItem.getCSSValue().
Implementation of ValueList.
var() value.
Represents a viewport defined as per the CSS specifications.
CSS Viewport rule implementation.
This interface is mostly for internal use by the library (cross-package, so its visibility is public).
An unmodifiable StringList that wraps a Collection.
Generic DocumentBuilder for XML documents.
Represents a (color()) value in a XYZ color model.