- All Superinterfaces:
- All Known Implementing Classes:
The ratio value type is a number followed by optional whitespace, followed by
a solidus ('/'), followed by optional whitespace, followed by a number. (as
defined by Media Queries level 4)
Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface io.sf.carte.doc.style.css.CSSValue
CSSValue.CssType, CSSValue.Type
Method Summary
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionclone()
Creates and returns a copy of this value.Get the antecedent value (i.e. the 'a' in 'a/b').Get the consequent value (i.e. the 'b' in 'a/b').Methods inherited from interface io.sf.carte.doc.style.css.CSSPrimitiveValue
getUnitType, isNegativeNumber, isPrimitiveValue, setExpectInteger
Methods inherited from interface io.sf.carte.doc.style.css.CSSTypedValue
getFloatValue, getFloatValue, getStringValue, isCalculatedNumber, isNumberZero, setFloatValue, setStringValue, toRGBColor, toRGBColorValue
Methods inherited from interface io.sf.carte.doc.style.css.CSSValue
getCssText, getCssValueType, getMinifiedCssText, getMinifiedCssText, getPrimitiveType, matches, setCssText, writeCssText
Method Details
CSSPrimitiveValue getAntecedentValue()Get the antecedent value (i.e. the 'a' in 'a/b').- Returns:
- the antecedent value.
CSSPrimitiveValue getConsequentValue()Get the consequent value (i.e. the 'b' in 'a/b').- Returns:
- the consequent value.
CSSRatioValue clone()Description copied from interface:CSSValue
Creates and returns a copy of this value.- Specified by:
in interfaceCSSTypedValue
- Specified by:
in interfaceCSSValue
- Returns:
- a clone of this value.