- All Superinterfaces:
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A CSS unicode range value.
Nested Class Summary
Nested ClassesModifier and TypeInterfaceDescriptionstatic interface
A CSS unicode character value.Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface io.sf.carte.doc.style.css.CSSValue
CSSValue.CssType, CSSValue.Type
Method Summary
Methods inherited from interface io.sf.carte.doc.style.css.CSSPrimitiveValue
getUnitType, isNegativeNumber, isPrimitiveValue, setExpectInteger
Methods inherited from interface io.sf.carte.doc.style.css.CSSTypedValue
getFloatValue, getStringValue, isCalculatedNumber, isNumberZero, setFloatValue, setStringValue, toRGBColor, toRGBColorValue
Methods inherited from interface io.sf.carte.doc.style.css.CSSValue
getCssText, getCssValueType, getMinifiedCssText, getMinifiedCssText, getPrimitiveType, matches, setCssText, writeCssText
Method Details
CSSTypedValue getValue()Get the beginning of this unicode range.The value can be an integer or a wildcard value.
- Returns:
- the value.
CSSTypedValue getEndValue()Get the end of this unicode range.- Returns:
- the range end value, or null if a single unicode value was specified.
CSSUnicodeRangeValue clone()Description copied from interface:CSSValue
Creates and returns a copy of this value.- Specified by:
in interfaceCSSTypedValue
- Specified by:
in interfaceCSSValue
- Returns:
- a clone of this value.