- All Implemented Interfaces:
- Direct Known Subclasses:
See section 6.1 of the Document Object Model CSS spec.
- See Also:
Constructor Summary
(BaseDocumentCSSStyleSheet docSheet) protected
(ComputedCSSStyle copiedObject) -
Method Summary
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionabstract ComputedCSSStyle
Gets the computed value(s) for the 'background-image' property.getBoxValues
(short unitType) Get the box values from a simple box model.getCascadedValue
(String property) float
Gets the computed value of the font-size property.float
Gets the computed line height with the default 'normal' value of 1.16em.float
(float defval) Gets the computed line height, in typographic points.Gets the primitive, computed value for the 'background-color' property.Gets the primitive, computed value for the 'color' property.Retrieves the parsable textual representation of the declaration block (excluding the surrounding curly braces).getCSSValue
(String property) Gets the absolute, primitive "computed" value for the given property.protected TypedValue
protected String
(CSSTypedValue cssVal, String baseHref) Attempts to get the absolute Href from the string value of a (uri) property.Retrieves a minified textual representation of the declaration block (excluding the surrounding curly braces).The node that owns this declaration.protected BaseDocumentCSSStyleSheet
abstract ComputedCSSStyle
Gets the computed style for the parent element.getPropertyValue
(String propertyName) Gets the text value of a CSS property if it has been explicitly set within this declaration block.getRevertStyle
(Condition pseudoElt) Get the error handler for this style declaration.getText()
Gets the (whitespace-trimmed) text content of the node associated to this style.Gets the used value of the font-family property.protected void
(CSSElement node) protected void
(String propertyName, StyleValue value, String hrefcontext) void
(SimpleWriter wri, StyleFormattingContext context) Writes a textual representation of the declaration block (excluding the surrounding curly braces) to aSimpleWriter
, and according to aStyleFormattingContext
.Methods inherited from class io.sf.carte.doc.style.css.om.BaseCSSStyleDeclaration
addOverrideProperty, addProperty, addStyle, appendLonghandMinifiedCssText, appendShorthandMinifiedCssText, compatLonghand, computeBoundProperty, diff, equals, getAzimuth, getBackground, getBackgroundAttachment, getBackgroundColor, getBackgroundImage, getBackgroundPosition, getBackgroundRepeat, getBorder, getBorderBottom, getBorderBottomColor, getBorderBottomStyle, getBorderBottomWidth, getBorderCollapse, getBorderColor, getBorderLeft, getBorderLeftColor, getBorderLeftStyle, getBorderLeftWidth, getBorderRight, getBorderRightColor, getBorderRightStyle, getBorderRightWidth, getBorderSpacing, getBorderStyle, getBorderTop, getBorderTopColor, getBorderTopStyle, getBorderTopWidth, getBorderWidth, getBottom, getCaptionSide, getClear, getClip, getColor, getContent, getCounterIncrement, getCounterReset, getCssFloat, getCue, getCueAfter, getCueBefore, getCursor, getDeclaredCSSValue, getDirection, getDisplay, getElevation, getEmptyCells, getFont, getFontFamily, getFontSize, getFontSizeAdjust, getFontStretch, getFontStyle, getFontVariant, getFontWeight, getHeight, getLeft, getLength, getLetterSpacing, getLineHeight, getListStyle, getListStyleImage, getListStylePosition, getListStyleType, getMargin, getMarginBottom, getMarginLeft, getMarginRight, getMarginTop, getMarkerOffset, getMarks, getMaxHeight, getMaxWidth, getMinHeight, getMinWidth, getOrphans, getOutline, getOutlineColor, getOutlineStyle, getOutlineWidth, getOverflow, getPadding, getPaddingBottom, getPaddingLeft, getPaddingRight, getPaddingTop, getPage, getPageBreakAfter, getPageBreakBefore, getPageBreakInside, getParentRule, getPause, getPauseAfter, getPauseBefore, getPitch, getPitchRange, getPlayDuring, getPosition, getPropertyCSSValue, getPropertyPriority, getQuotes, getRichness, getRight, getSize, getSpeak, getSpeakHeader, getSpeakNumeral, getSpeakPunctuation, getSpeechRate, getStress, getStyleDatabase, getStyleSheetFactory, getTableLayout, getTextAlign, getTextDecoration, getTextIndent, getTextShadow, getTextTransform, getTop, getUnicodeBidi, getValueFactory, getVerticalAlign, getVisibility, getVoiceFamily, getVolume, getWhiteSpace, getWidows, getWidth, getWordSpacing, getZIndex, hashCode, isEmpty, item, prioritySplit, removeProperty, setAzimuth, setBackground, setBackgroundAttachment, setBackgroundColor, setBackgroundImage, setBackgroundPosition, setBackgroundRepeat, setBorder, setBorderBottom, setBorderBottomColor, setBorderBottomStyle, setBorderBottomWidth, setBorderCollapse, setBorderColor, setBorderLeft, setBorderLeftColor, setBorderLeftStyle, setBorderLeftWidth, setBorderRight, setBorderRightColor, setBorderRightStyle, setBorderRightWidth, setBorderSpacing, setBorderStyle, setBorderTop, setBorderTopColor, setBorderTopStyle, setBorderTopWidth, setBorderWidth, setBottom, setCaptionSide, setClear, setClip, setColor, setContent, setCounterIncrement, setCounterReset, setCssFloat, setCssText, setCue, setCueAfter, setCueBefore, setCursor, setDirection, setDisplay, setElevation, setEmptyCells, setFont, setFontFamily, setFontSize, setFontSizeAdjust, setFontStretch, setFontStyle, setFontVariant, setFontWeight, setHeight, setLeft, setLetterSpacing, setLexicalProperty, setLineHeight, setListStyle, setListStyleImage, setListStylePosition, setListStyleType, setLonghandProperty, setMargin, setMarginBottom, setMarginLeft, setMarginRight, setMarginTop, setMarkerOffset, setMarks, setMaxHeight, setMaxWidth, setMinHeight, setMinWidth, setOrphans, setOutline, setOutlineColor, setOutlineStyle, setOutlineWidth, setOverflow, setPadding, setPaddingBottom, setPaddingLeft, setPaddingRight, setPaddingTop, setPage, setPageBreakAfter, setPageBreakBefore, setPageBreakInside, setPause, setPauseAfter, setPauseBefore, setPitch, setPitchRange, setPlayDuring, setPosition, setProperty, setProperty, setQuotes, setRichness, setRight, setSize, setSpeak, setSpeakHeader, setSpeakNumeral, setSpeakPunctuation, setSpeechRate, setStress, setTableLayout, setTextAlign, setTextDecoration, setTextIndent, setTextShadow, setTextTransform, setTop, setUnicodeBidi, setVerticalAlign, setVisibility, setVoiceFamily, setVolume, setWhiteSpace, setWidows, setWidth, setWordSpacing, setZIndex, shorthandError, testColor, toString, writeLonghandCssText, writeShorthandCssText
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface org.w3c.dom.css.CSS2Properties
getAzimuth, getBackground, getBackgroundAttachment, getBackgroundColor, getBackgroundImage, getBackgroundPosition, getBackgroundRepeat, getBorder, getBorderBottom, getBorderBottomColor, getBorderBottomStyle, getBorderBottomWidth, getBorderCollapse, getBorderColor, getBorderLeft, getBorderLeftColor, getBorderLeftStyle, getBorderLeftWidth, getBorderRight, getBorderRightColor, getBorderRightStyle, getBorderRightWidth, getBorderSpacing, getBorderStyle, getBorderTop, getBorderTopColor, getBorderTopStyle, getBorderTopWidth, getBorderWidth, getBottom, getCaptionSide, getClear, getClip, getColor, getContent, getCounterIncrement, getCounterReset, getCssFloat, getCue, getCueAfter, getCueBefore, getCursor, getDirection, getDisplay, getElevation, getEmptyCells, getFont, getFontFamily, getFontSize, getFontSizeAdjust, getFontStretch, getFontStyle, getFontVariant, getHeight, getLeft, getLetterSpacing, getLineHeight, getListStyle, getListStyleImage, getListStylePosition, getListStyleType, getMargin, getMarginBottom, getMarginLeft, getMarginRight, getMarginTop, getMarkerOffset, getMarks, getMaxHeight, getMaxWidth, getMinHeight, getMinWidth, getOrphans, getOutline, getOutlineColor, getOutlineStyle, getOutlineWidth, getOverflow, getPadding, getPaddingBottom, getPaddingLeft, getPaddingRight, getPaddingTop, getPage, getPageBreakAfter, getPageBreakBefore, getPageBreakInside, getPause, getPauseAfter, getPauseBefore, getPitch, getPitchRange, getPlayDuring, getPosition, getQuotes, getRichness, getRight, getSize, getSpeak, getSpeakHeader, getSpeakNumeral, getSpeakPunctuation, getSpeechRate, getStress, getTableLayout, getTextAlign, getTextDecoration, getTextIndent, getTextShadow, getTextTransform, getTop, getUnicodeBidi, getVerticalAlign, getVisibility, getVoiceFamily, getVolume, getWhiteSpace, getWidows, getWidth, getWordSpacing, getZIndex, setAzimuth, setBackground, setBackgroundAttachment, setBackgroundColor, setBackgroundImage, setBackgroundPosition, setBackgroundRepeat, setBorder, setBorderBottom, setBorderBottomColor, setBorderBottomStyle, setBorderBottomWidth, setBorderCollapse, setBorderColor, setBorderLeft, setBorderLeftColor, setBorderLeftStyle, setBorderLeftWidth, setBorderRight, setBorderRightColor, setBorderRightStyle, setBorderRightWidth, setBorderSpacing, setBorderStyle, setBorderTop, setBorderTopColor, setBorderTopStyle, setBorderTopWidth, setBorderWidth, setBottom, setCaptionSide, setClear, setClip, setColor, setContent, setCounterIncrement, setCounterReset, setCssFloat, setCue, setCueAfter, setCueBefore, setCursor, setDirection, setDisplay, setElevation, setEmptyCells, setFont, setFontFamily, setFontSize, setFontSizeAdjust, setFontStretch, setFontStyle, setFontVariant, setFontWeight, setHeight, setLeft, setLetterSpacing, setLineHeight, setListStyle, setListStyleImage, setListStylePosition, setListStyleType, setMargin, setMarginBottom, setMarginLeft, setMarginRight, setMarginTop, setMarkerOffset, setMarks, setMaxHeight, setMaxWidth, setMinHeight, setMinWidth, setOrphans, setOutline, setOutlineColor, setOutlineStyle, setOutlineWidth, setOverflow, setPadding, setPaddingBottom, setPaddingLeft, setPaddingRight, setPaddingTop, setPage, setPageBreakAfter, setPageBreakBefore, setPageBreakInside, setPause, setPauseAfter, setPauseBefore, setPitch, setPitchRange, setPlayDuring, setPosition, setQuotes, setRichness, setRight, setSize, setSpeak, setSpeakHeader, setSpeakNumeral, setSpeakPunctuation, setSpeechRate, setStress, setTableLayout, setTextAlign, setTextDecoration, setTextIndent, setTextShadow, setTextTransform, setTop, setUnicodeBidi, setVerticalAlign, setVisibility, setVoiceFamily, setVolume, setWhiteSpace, setWidows, setWidth, setWordSpacing, setZIndex
Methods inherited from interface io.sf.carte.doc.style.css.CSSComputedProperties
getFontWeight, getPropertyCSSValue, getStyleDatabase
Methods inherited from interface io.sf.carte.doc.style.css.CSSStyleDeclaration
getLength, getParentRule, getPropertyPriority, item, removeProperty, setCssText, setProperty
Constructor Details
Method Details
Description copied from class:BaseCSSStyleDeclaration
The node that owns this declaration.For computed styles, the owner is always the element for which the style was computed.
- Specified by:
in interfaceCSSComputedProperties
- Specified by:
in interfaceNodeStyleDeclaration
- Overrides:
in classBaseCSSStyleDeclaration
- Returns:
- the node that owns this declaration, or null if none.
Description copied from class:AbstractCSSStyleDeclaration
Get the error handler for this style declaration.- Overrides:
in classBaseCSSStyleDeclaration
- Returns:
- the error handler, or
if this is an anonymous style declaration.
Description copied from interface:CSSStyleDeclaration
Gets the text value of a CSS property if it has been explicitly set within this declaration block.If the declaration was created by a factory with the
flag enabled, the compatibility values shall appear in the cssText serializations, but its value won't be returned by this method unless no other valid value was previously specified for the property.- Specified by:
in interfaceCSSComputedProperties
- Specified by:
in interfaceCSSStyleDeclaration
- Overrides:
in classBaseCSSStyleDeclaration
- Parameters:
- The name of the CSS property.- Returns:
- the value of the property if it has been explicitly set for this declaration block, or the empty string if the property has not been set or is a shorthand that could not be serialized.
- Overrides:
in classBaseCSSStyleDeclaration
- Throws:
Gets the absolute, primitive "computed" value for the given property.The rendering context is not taken into account for this method.
See paragraph 6.1.2 of the Document Object Model CSS specification for the definition of "computed" values.
- Overrides:
in classBaseCSSStyleDeclaration
- Parameters:
- the property that we want to evaluate.- Returns:
- the primitive value of the property, a CSSShorthandValue if the property is a shorthand, or null if the property is not known.
- Throws:
- when a computation that requires a style database is attempted, but no style database has been set.
public float getComputedFontSize()Gets the computed value of the font-size property.May require a style database to give accurate results.
- Specified by:
in interfaceCSSComputedProperties
- Returns:
- the value of the font-size property, in typographic points.
public float getComputedLineHeight()Gets the computed line height with the default 'normal' value of 1.16em.- Specified by:
in interfaceCSSComputedProperties
- Returns:
- the default computed line height, in typographic points.
public float getComputedLineHeight(float defval) Gets the computed line height, in typographic points.- Parameters:
- the default value in EMs.- Returns:
- the computed line height, or the default value if the computed value could not be found.
- Overrides:
in classBaseCSSStyleDeclaration
Description copied from interface:CSSComputedProperties
Gets the primitive, computed value for the 'color' property.- Specified by:
in interfaceCSSComputedProperties
- Overrides:
in classBaseCSSStyleDeclaration
- Returns:
- the value for the 'color' property.
Description copied from interface:CSSComputedProperties
Gets the primitive, computed value for the 'background-color' property.- Specified by:
in interfaceCSSComputedProperties
- Returns:
- the value for the 'background-color' property.
Description copied from interface:CSSComputedProperties
Gets the computed value(s) for the 'background-image' property.- Specified by:
in interfaceCSSComputedProperties
- Returns:
- an array with the values for the layered 'background-image' property, or null if no background image was set for the element.
Attempts to get the absolute Href from the string value of a (uri) property.- Parameters:
- the uri value.baseHref
- the base href context.- Returns:
- the base URL, or null if could not be determined.
Gets the used value of the font-family property.If the computed value is a list, it returns the first item. If a style database is available, it returns the 'used' value.
If no font family is set, a default value of
is used.- Specified by:
in interfaceCSSComputedProperties
- Returns:
- the value of the font-family property.
Get the box values from a simple box model.- Specified by:
in interfaceCSSComputedProperties
- Parameters:
- the desired unit type.- Returns:
- the box values, in the specified unit.
- Throws:
- if the document contains features that are not supported by the simple model.StyleDatabaseRequiredException
- when a computation that requires a style database is attempted, but no style database has been set.
Description copied from class:BaseCSSStyleDeclaration
Retrieves the parsable textual representation of the declaration block (excluding the surrounding curly braces).- Specified by:
in interfaceCSSStyleDeclaration
- Overrides:
in classBaseCSSStyleDeclaration
- Returns:
- the textual representation of the declaration block.
Description copied from class:AbstractCSSStyleDeclaration
Writes a textual representation of the declaration block (excluding the surrounding curly braces) to aSimpleWriter
, and according to aStyleFormattingContext
.- Specified by:
in interfaceCSSStyleDeclaration
- Overrides:
in classBaseCSSStyleDeclaration
- Parameters:
- the simple writer to write to.context
- the style formatting context.- Throws:
- if a problem occurs while writing the text.
Description copied from class:AbstractCSSStyleDeclaration
Retrieves a minified textual representation of the declaration block (excluding the surrounding curly braces).- Specified by:
in interfaceCSSStyleDeclaration
- Overrides:
in classBaseCSSStyleDeclaration
- Returns:
- the minified representation of this style declaration.
Gets the computed style for the parent element.- Specified by:
in interfaceCSSComputedProperties
- Returns:
- the computed style for the parent element, or null if there is no parent element, or has no style associated.
Gets the (whitespace-trimmed) text content of the node associated to this style.- Returns:
- the text content, or the empty string if the box has no text.
- Overrides:
in classBaseCSSStyleDeclaration