Class RGBColorValue

All Implemented Interfaces:
CSSColorValue, CSSPrimitiveValue, CSSTypedValue, CSSValue, Serializable, Cloneable

public class RGBColorValue extends ColorValue
RGB color value.
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • getColorModel

      public CSSColorValue.ColorModel getColorModel()
      Description copied from interface: CSSColorValue
      Get the color model with which this value was set.
      the color model.
    • getColor

      public RGBAColor getColor()
      Description copied from interface: CSSColorValue
      Get the color represented by this value.
      the color.
    • toRGBColor

      public RGBAColor toRGBColor() throws DOMException
      Description copied from interface: CSSTypedValue
      If this value represents a color, get it or transform to a RGB color.

      If the color does not map into the sRGB gamut, it is clamped.

      Specified by:
      toRGBColor in interface CSSTypedValue
      toRGBColor in class TypedValue
      the RGBA color.
      DOMException - INVALID_ACCESS_ERR: if this value can't return a RGB color value (either is not a COLOR or not a typed value).
      NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR: if the conversion needs device color space information to be performed accurately.
    • toLABColorValue

      public LABColorValue toLABColorValue() throws DOMException
      Convert this value to a LABColorValue, if possible.
      Specified by:
      toLABColorValue in interface CSSColorValue
      toLABColorValue in class ColorValue
      the converted LABColorValue.
      DOMException - INVALID_STATE_ERR if the components cannot be converted.
    • toHSLColorValue

      public HSLColorValue toHSLColorValue() throws DOMException
      Convert this value to a HSLColorValue, if possible.
      toHSLColorValue in class ColorValue
      the converted HSLColorValue.
      DOMException - INVALID_STATE_ERR if the components cannot be converted.
    • getComponent

      public PrimitiveValue getComponent(int index)
      Description copied from class: ColorValue
      Get the color component at index.

      This method allows to access the color components like if they were indexed. It is convenient to perform common tasks at the components (like when computing values).

      Specified by:
      getComponent in class ColorValue
      index - the index. Index 0 is always the alpha channel.
      the color component, or null if the index is incorrect.
    • setComponent

      public void setComponent(int index, StyleValue component)
      Description copied from class: TypedValue
      If this value has components, set the component at index.

      This method allows to access the components regardless of them being formally indexed or not. It is convenient to perform common tasks at the components (like when computing values).

      setComponent in class ColorValue
      index - the index. For colors, index 0 is always the alpha channel. Setting a component at an index that does not exist has no effect.
      component - the new component. Cannot be a KEYWORD nor a SHORTHAND. For colors, must be a primitive value (that is, either TYPED or a PROXY).
    • deltaE2000

      public float deltaE2000(CSSColorValue color)
      Description copied from interface: CSSColorValue
      Compute the difference to the given color, according to CIE Delta E 2000.
      Specified by:
      deltaE2000 in interface CSSColorValue
      deltaE2000 in class ColorValue
      color - the color to compute the delta from.
      the CIE Delta E 2000.
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode in class PrimitiveValue
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object obj)
      equals in class PrimitiveValue
    • clone

      public RGBColorValue clone()
      Description copied from class: TypedValue
      Creates and returns a copy of this object.

      The object will be the same except for the subproperty flag, that will be disabled in the clone object.

      Specified by:
      clone in interface CSSColorValue
      Specified by:
      clone in interface CSSTypedValue
      Specified by:
      clone in interface CSSValue
      Specified by:
      clone in class ColorValue
      a copy of this object.